Understanding Monad


Haskell的函数是纯函数(pure function),无法进行很多需要副作用(side-effect)的操作,如 IO,Logging等。因此引入了Monad的概念。IO等有副作用的操作都放入Monad中。想用Haskell写出有用的程序,必须理解Monad。

Monad的定义其实非常简单,以下是Real World Haskell里给的定义:

A type constructor m.

A function of type m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b for chaining the output of
one function into the input of another.

A function of type a -> m a for injecting a normal value into the chain, i.e. it wraps a type a with the type constructor m.

A function of type m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b,这个函数是用于把几个Monad链接起来。例子:

(>>) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
Nothing >> _ = Nothing
Just v  >> f = f v

(>>)就是这样一个函数。函数有两个参数,一个是Maybe a类型,另一个是类型
是a -> Maybe b的函数。返回值是Maybe b。如果第一个参数是Nothing(注意这是
个Monad),则(>>)返回Nothing(也是Monad);如果第一个参数是Just v,则返回
f v的值,注意f的返回值是Maybe b类型,也是一个Monad。

A function of type a -> m a,这个函数把一个普通的值注入Monad中,相当于


class Monad m where
-- chain
(>>=)  :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
-- inject
return :: a -> m a
    (>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
a >> f = a >>= \_ -> f


liftM是一个有用的函数,用于方便地混合pure function和Monad

liftM :: (Monad m) => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
liftM f m = m >>= \i ->
       return (f i)

liftM接受两个参数,一个pure function,和一个Monad。liftM用这个pure
pure function应用到Monad所包含的值上。

二、理解List Monad

Real World Haskell里讲解了List Monad,就是将list作为一个Monad来使用,需要如下定义(已经在GHC.Base中定义)

instance Monad [] where
return x = [x]
xs >>= f = concat (map f xs)

xs >> f = concat (map (\_ -> f) xs)
fail _ = []

List monad和list comprehensive是等价的。以下两者等价:

comprehensive xs ys =
  [(x,y) | x <- xs, y <- ys]  monadic xs ys = do { x <- xs; y <- ys; return (x,y) }


-- Step 1:
  x <- xs
  y <- ys
  return (x, y)

-- Step 2:
xs >>= \x ->
  ys >>= \y ->
    [(x, y)]

-- Step 3:
concat (map (\x ->
  ys >>= \y ->
    [(x, y)])

-- Step 4:
concat (map (\x ->
  concat (map (\y -> [(x, y)]) ys ))

实际的效果就是一个二重循环:对xs里每一个元素,都用函数 \x -> ys >>= \y -> [(x, y)] 求值一次。对ys里的每一个元素,都用函数 \y -> [(x, y)] 求值一次。

You cannot predict how a block of monadic code will behave unless you
know what monad it will execute in. (Real World Haskell)


-- Prelude> monadic [1,2] "bar"


